The Camera: - Connection Standard Vehicles

Your camera has a molded Black and Red wire

The red is to be connected to the positive side of the reverse light. 
The Black is to be earthed not to the globe but to the body of the car.

If you have the tailgate camera

        The RCA has a small red wire next to it. 


        This wire will be live when the car is in reverse and so this  red wire is connected to a BLUE wire on
        the main wiring loom labeled BACK.   This will tell the unit when the car is in reverse.

        Your camera has a green and a white loop wire
GREEN loop needs to be cut so you can be used as a reverse camera.
        The white wire is cut to give you grid lines. (this can be joined if you would like)
        (there was one batch of cameras where the colors were reversed )

If you have a specific factory fit camera

        If your vehicle was supplied with a specific camera the you will have received this cable

        At the rear of the car the red cable is also connected to the reverse light.  This cable will now be live when the car
        is in reverse and so the other side of the cable is connected to the BLUE wire labelled BACK.  This signal will
        allow the unit to know when the car is in reverse.


The Camera: - CANBUS Vehicles

You will have received a short wire with red and black lead. 

This lead is used as power for the camera will come from the head unit itself.  This cable is plugged into the socket next to the camera input.

If you have the tailgate camera

        Your camera has a molded Black and Red wire The ends of this wire should be terminated so that
        it cannot create a short in the unit / camera.

         This red wire is now live when the unit is on and is to be connected to the red wire next to the RCA


If you have a specific factory fit camera

        If your vehicle was supplied with a specific camera the you will have received this cable

        At the head unit you need to connect one end to the small red wire.  At the rear of the car the red wire is to be
        joined to the cameras power cable.  The black is to be earthed to the body of the car.


Black screen trouble shooting:
If all is physically connected correctly and you get a black screen then trouble shooting needs to be done to work out why you are getting a black camera image to appear.

On standard vehicles

    1) Test the voltage
    On some older cars the power wire to the reverse lights may have suffered some power leakage resulting in less
    than 13.8V at the rear.  The camera will work at 12V but it is not uncommon for some cars to only get say 9V.  
    At 9V the globes will work, the unit will still switch the camera input but the camera itself will not be on.

    If you are unsure one of the easiest places to get 12V is from either the Red or Yellow wire powering the unit.

    2) Camera not pushed in correctly
    At the camera join to the reducer unplug and check to ensure it it plugged in correctly

    3) Plug the camera to the AUX input
    There is a chance the socket is / cable are damaged. 
    Then from the main menu go to
    Reverse detection.  Turn this off.

    Then put the vehicle into reverse and the black screen will no longer display but the camera should still be powered.

    Next from the Main Menu select
    The press the no 2 buttons (At the top of the screen -just under where is says Media)

    Select the AUX input and see if the image is coming from the camera

    4) If all the above are checked and tested its time to replace the camera. 

On CANBUS vehicles

    1) Camera not pushed in correctly
        At the camera join to the reducer unplug and check to ensure it it plugged in correctly

    2)  If you have used a filter then by pass this to eliminate this as the problem

    3) There is a chance the socket is / cable are damaged.
        Plug the camera to the AUX input
        Next from the Main Menu select
        The press the no 2 buttons (At the top of the screen -just under where is says Media)

        Select the AUX input and see if the image is coming from the camera


    4) If all the above are checked and tested its time to replace the camera.