Hyundai Factory camera retain

Some Hyundai have the factory camera in the main harness but none of the cables coming from China will retain this properly, if at all.   (hopefully this will change)

As you will see Hyundai will use the same cabling for different models

Connecting up is quite straight forward.

If you have asked for a reducer this would have been sent something like this or with a white plug (which is chopped off)

Doing the RCA one first -

The Yellow RCA is connected to the camera input of the screen
The Black is earthed and connected to B24 on the plug

The Voltage reducer

The wire labeled BACK / Reverse is the trigger wire 12V and you will find this at A9
The stereo needs to know when the car is in reverse and so the trigger wire is also connected to A9
This trigger depends on the model but in the main if your power cable has a Black next to a red then it is the next wire along.

The black is again earthed at B24

The other side of the reducer, when powered will be about 5V.  This is what the camera needs and so the matching wire on the other side is connected to A6 and the earth for the camera is A5